University Safety Apps: A New Recruiting Tool

University Safety Apps Can Increase Enrollment. Here’s What You Need To Know:
With fierce competition for students, universities of all sizes are looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage that attracts prospective students. Despite the fact that safety consistently ranks among the most important factors among applicants, police department and college safety forces are often viewed internally as cost centers; adding to the expense column and not generating revenue. This perception of police and campus safety forces is so deeply ingrained into the higher education system that some departments struggle to even obtain the necessary tools and equipment.
Among other things, this perception is short-sighted, lacking creativity, and missing on a huge enrollment and retention tool. Let’s reiterate, safety is ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR APPLICANTS. Therefore, increasing the visibility of the department (creating a safer atmosphere) should have a significant impact on enrollment. But rarely, if ever, are safety forces viewed as a potential profit center for the university.
Fortunately, there are simple and affordable tools, such as the new rise of the University Safety Apps, that are a great way to visibly demonstrate your departments commitment to safety. Unlike changing a CAD system or buying more radios, adopting University Safety Apps is something the public (students, parents, visitors) can touch, feel and associate with.
We have already established safety as an important factor. Now, if just one single student enrolls because he or she (or their parents) felt more comfortable because of the safe campus environment, then at $20,000 per year, the police department just secured the university $80,000 in revenue over the students 4 years. And that’s one single student! With that kind of return, a University Safety App can pay for itself…and then some (some of the left over $ should come to your department!)
But the key to converting your department from a cost center to a profit center lies in the ability to custom brand University Safety Apps so that it’s aligned with the marketing and branding efforts of your institution.
Tags: Higher education safety