Safety Solutions for Cities

There are so many safety solutions for cities that are not always well known to the public, and we’d like to help share some information to keep you safe in your hometown.
Keeping a city safe is like building a house. It needs to start with a good foundation, then it requires a lot of work and the proper tools. You can’t build a house with just a hammer, no matter how good that hammer is. We offer tools that assist police departments and citizens. Safety solutions for cities can come in the form of app systems like ours, where we offer a security system in your pocket. 911Cellular offers PublicShield, which gives you the ability to receive mass notifications from city officials, gives you direct access to police with an app that can send out your exact location to emergency personnel in case of an emergency, and gives you the ability to share tips or suspicious activity (along with pictures or video) anonymously to your police department.
On top of using an app system like PublicShield, you can do a lot on your own to maximize your safety.
- Simple steps like knowing your city and the layout can help you tremendously. Don’t be afraid to use a map app to help you navigate around your city. It’s better to know where you’re going then trying to guess.
- Knowing your neighbors, having conversations with them, and building a relationship with people in your community can benefit you because you’ll be able to trust that if your neighbor see something suspicious, they’ll notify you.
- If you’re going out, use an app like FriendWatch to let your friends and/or family know what time you’ll be back. “FriendWatch provides an extra layer of protection for potentially dangerous situations. App users can enter emergency contact phone numbers of friends and family members in their profile, then activate FriendWatch’s timer before the activity (running in the park at night, walking in a parking garage). If the timer hits 0:00 before the user enters their personal PIN, emergency contacts are notified”.
- Make sure your cell phone is always charged.
- We provide a quality app system that’s designed to keep you safe.
We hope you can utilize some of these safety solutions for cities in your every day life. If you’re unsure if your city offers any app systems to increase your protection, we suggest calling your local government and asking.
Tags: Safety solutions Safety solutions for cities Friend watch Public safety Safety Public shield