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Building a Culture of Safety: How Campuses Can Promote Security Awareness Year-Round


Creating a culture of safety on college and university campuses is about more than just installing security cameras and implementing emergency procedures. It’s about fostering a deep-rooted sense of security awareness among students, staff, and faculty year-round.

In celebration of National Campus Safety Awareness Month, we wanted to share some insights on how different marketing and public relations (PR) tactics can keep safety top-of-mind and encourage proactive behavior on college campuses. Here’s how your institution can build and sustain a safety culture through effective promotion strategies.

Launch Safety Awareness Campaigns

A well-crafted safety campaign can significantly boost awareness and engagement. Create a branded, campus-wide safety initiative that speaks to your specific environment.


  • Taglines and slogans: Develop a catchy, memorable tagline that reinforces the importance of safety. An example is “Safety Starts With You.”
  • Social media campaigns: Use platforms like Instagram, X and TikTok to share daily or weekly safety tips, reminders about emergency resources and updates on campus safety initiatives. Content should be tailored to trends and posting styles within each platform.
  • Email newsletters: Regular safety updates, personal stories and reminders about campus resources delivered directly to inboxes keep safety at the top of students’ and staff’s minds. These marketing efforts create a constant presence, reminding everyone of their role in campus safety.

Collaborate with Campus Influencers

Peer influence plays a significant role in college environments. Partnering with campus influencers such as student government representatives, athletes or popular social media personalities can amplify your safety messages.

These leaders can:

  • Promote safety on social media: Have campus influencers create content showcasing campus safety programs with their unique spin. This gives credibility and relatability to your safety initiatives.
  • Safety Ambassador Program: Selected students serve as peer leaders in promoting campus safety. These ambassadors can be trained in safety protocols, familiarized with emergency tools like campus safety apps and tasked with educating their peers through workshops, social media and organized events. Ambassadors can also be featured in promotional materials, serving as relatable, trustworthy figures that students are more likely to listen to and engage with.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses on and around campus offers a unique opportunity to expand the reach of your safety programs. By collaborating with popular spots like coffee shops, bookstores, and restaurants, you can promote your campus safety apps through targeted marketing initiatives, such as:

  • Co-branded Materials: Distribute flyers, stickers, or QR codes at partner locations that feature both the business’s branding and your safety app, making it easy for students to download or learn about the app while engaging with their favorite local spots.
  • In-store Signage: Place posters or digital ads in high-traffic areas within partner businesses to increase visibility of your campus safety app. These signs can highlight key features like the panic button or emergency alert system, reinforcing the message that safety is always within reach.
  • Exclusive Discounts for App Users: Offer special promotions or discounts at participating businesses for students who have downloaded and registered on the safety app. This incentive encourages students to take action while supporting local businesses, creating a win-win situation for both parties. These partnerships not only boost app awareness but also foster a community-wide commitment to campus safety.

Host Safety Events and Workshops

Hosting events such as self-defense classes, emergency preparedness workshops and active shooter simulations can foster a strong safety culture.

Engage students and staff by making these events interactive and fun:

  • Campus-Wide Safety Day with Immersive Experiences: Host an annual Campus Safety Day featuring immersive experiences like virtual reality (VR) safety simulations, mock emergency drills and interactive booths. Students can learn about safety procedures in a hands-on, dynamic environment.
  • Use PR channels to build excitement: Promote events via press releases, campus radio and event posters. Engage the student body by encouraging influencers, sports teams, or student leaders to participate and share their experiences on social media. During and after the event, collaborate with local media to showcase your campus as a leader in proactive safety measures.
  • Offer incentives: Offer giveaways, certifications or on-campus perks for attending workshops. The incentive draws students, while the event or workshop helps build long-term safety habits.

Leverage Storytelling in PR Efforts

PR plays a crucial role in reinforcing the importance of campus safety. Using storytelling techniques in your media campaigns can humanize safety efforts and connect with your community on a deeper level.

  • Share success stories: Highlight real-life instances where students or staff members used campus safety features (such as the panic button or emergency alerts) to stay safe. These stories can also highlight incidents outside of your organization so long as the same technology was utilized.
  • Create video testimonials: Record students, faculty or safety officials discussing how the safety tools positively impact them. You can even share testimonials created by your security solution provider. Authentic stories resonate deeply with both the campus community and prospective students. Through storytelling, you can transform security from an abstract concept to a tangible benefit.

Ongoing Safety Reminders

Repetition is vital to building awareness. Throughout the year, campuses should consistently remind students and staff about available safety resources. Below are some ways to keep safety at the forefront of students’ and staff’s minds.

  • Orientation materials: During orientation, ensure all first-year students receive a comprehensive introduction to safety tools and resources through brochures, presentations and handouts.
  • Digital signage: Place reminders about emergency protocols, panic buttons, and safety tips on screens across campus buildings.
  • Posters and flyers: Display information about safety resources in high-traffic areas such as residence halls, libraries, and dining facilities.
  • Interactive Safety Challenges on Social Media: Launch monthly interactive safety challenges on social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok. Students can participate in safety quizzes, record videos using the campus safety app or complete safety-related tasks. Offer rewards, such as campus gear or meal vouchers, for participating students. By gamifying safety, you make it engaging and accessible while increasing awareness of essential tools like panic buttons and emergency alerts.
  • Mobile app tutorials: For campuses utilizing modern panic button technology such as mobile safety apps, regularly share step-by-step videos on how to use your campus safety app. Distribute these during orientation on the campus website and social media channels.
  • Push notifications: Campuses with mobile safety apps should periodically use push notifications to highlight key features of the app, remind users to update their profiles, or even practice using the panic button. These subtle yet persistent reminders help instill a safety-first mindset among campus community members.

Engage Local Media

Local media outlets can be valuable allies in your safety campaign. Reach out with stories highlighting how your institution prioritizes safety, particularly through innovative tools like campus safety apps or proactive safety workshops.

  • Press releases: Regularly distribute news about safety-related events, workshops, and campus-wide initiatives.
  • Interviews and features: Offer interviews with campus safety officials or highlight your unique approaches to campus safety. Media coverage boosts awareness and strengthens your institution’s reputation.

Key Takeaway

Creating a year-round culture of safety on campus requires consistent, creative and strategic efforts. By leveraging marketing and PR tactics, institutions can effectively promote security awareness and foster a safer, more secure environment. Remember: safety is a shared responsibility. With the right strategies, you can inspire students and staff to take an active role in creating a secure campus community.

Learn more about ways to keep your campus safe with 911Cellular.com.

Tags: Campus safety Higher education safety

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