Feature Focus: Emergency Response Teams Keeping Communities Safe

Today we begin a new series, Feature Focus, which will highlight a key piece of the comprehensive 911Cellular emergency communications system. In this Feature Focus, we take a closer look at Emergency Response Team. Within the diverse 911Cellular system of emergency communications, the Emergency Response Team (ERT) plays a vital role in helping to reduce response times for institutions with panic buttons for computers, mobile phones or Bluetooth devices.
What is the ERT?
Essentially, the ERT is any group of individuals that wish to receive a text or call with pertinent information (including accurate locations) when a community member hits a panic button.
The benefits of the ERT are obvious… reduced response times (which means reduced number and severity of violent incidents). But though ERT can certainly be effective for institutions of all types and sizes, ERT can be particularly crucial for those that do not have a dedicated dispatch center for their community… this can include smaller colleges, hospitals, businesses and most K-12 schools.
What information is sent to ERT members?
Each institution can easily manage ERT members under the General Settings tab within the 911Cellular Portal (note that only system administrators have access to 911Cellular Portal Settings). Once activated, ERT members will receive a text or call with the name of the person who activated the panic button, along with a call back number and accurate location information.
The location information is updated periodically if the person is on the move, and because 911Cellular uses hyper-accurate indoor location technology, activations can be located down to the floor and room number.
When ERT members are involved, reduced response times can ultimately lead to lives being saved. At a small college for example, 911 may be contacted during an emergency because the school may not have a dedicated dispatch center. In this example, school security officers can still respond quicker to the scene of the incident if they are added as ERT members.
If you’d like to learn more about the Emergency Response Team or how 911Cellular technology can help keep your community safe, visit 911cellular.com.
Tags: Workplace safety Hospital safety Safety solutions School safety Campus safety Higher education safety